Monday, May 21, 2012

A Lesson. Learned.

Everyday with the mini man is an adventure let me tell ya!  Yesterday was no exception.

We made it to church early.  Everyone's bellies were full.  We were all dressed in our Sunday bests {sans wrinkles!}.  An easy updo for mommy's hair, the same old part for daddy's, and a mohawk for baby's.  We were singing the opening hymn and I was feeling pretty good about myself.  You've done it, mama!  Great job!  But not too fast...


The child tore a page from the hymn book in half!!!  I gasped the loudest gasp ever to have been emitted by a human as my jaw dropped onto the floor.  My eyes might have popped out three centimeters as well.  NOT THE HYMN BOOK!  At the same time, Ethan's little hand froze in mid air.  Perhaps his brain was still trying to process what he had done.  We pried his paws open and I tried to smooth out the page while Jake put the infamous daddy straight jacket on Ethan where he locks his arms around the child to stop him from moving.  After the meeting, we sneaked the hymn book into the diaper bag.  I will have to tape the page back together sometime this week and then bring it back to church next Sunday...  We are contributing extra tithing this month.  You can count on it.

Lesson learned: don't ever think too highly of yourself when sitting in a sacrament meeting.


  1. Hahaha. That's great. Every kid does something like that. You're doing great!

    1. ERICA!!!!! I miss you SO MUCH! Come back into my life!

  2. HEE... EVelynn did that everyday. While we taught in the 14-year-old Sunday School, while I was talking, she suddenly tore a page of my mission Book of Mormon... I was shock, and everyone looked at me, my heart was broken because of my BOM, then we kept going. Sometime they did so many "wrong" thing that they don't know what's right and wrong, so we can just laugh about it and forget it.
