Friday, March 23, 2012

We are so proud.

Dearest Jake,

You're finishing up with your last final at Stanford as I type.  Just a few more minutes and you'll be done with your master's degree.  Can you believe that it was almost two years ago when we first arrived at Stanford?  It was just the two of us, with a U-haul truck filled to the brim with excitement and hope.  You were eager to learn and to create, to prepare yourself for the world and for the opportunities that await you.

And Stanford didn't disappoint.  How could it?  The past two years were hard and challenging but they were also exciting, fun, and fulfilling.  Thank you for such an awesome ride.

Two years later, we are packing up our belongings again and are heading for yet another adventure.  Only this time we have one smarter brain, two hearts filled with more gratitude, a few stretch marks, and last but not least, a chubby blue-eyed mini man.

Congratulations babe.  We are so so so proud of you.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ethan + Puffs

Ethan surprised me today by picking cheerio puffs up with his chubby little hands and then putting them in his mouth.  Where did my baby go?  Sob...  Also, he has been using his left hand exclusively.  Could he be a lefty? 

Funny Baby

Have I ever mentioned how funny Ethan is?  He is hilarious.  He makes me laugh everyday.  I mean, just look at that face!  He has been laughing a lot lately.  Sometimes he starts laughing with no apparent reason (maybe there are jokes only six-month olds get) but his laugh makes me happy so I start laughing too.  I love this little babe.  He makes me so so happy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Horrifying Teeth Pictures

Pictures taken 3/19/2012

29 Weeks Old

Isn't he sooo cute?  And sweet?  And wonderful?

Being 29 weeks old was very fun for Ethan.  He got to visit the doctor for his six-month check up.  And then Grandma Jennifer and Uncle Alex came visit.  Ethan was a little reserved at first but warmed up to Grandma Jen and Uncle Al quickly.  He loved snuggling with them.  It was very sweet.

Little man had some chicken and corn for the first time this week.  He's also LOVING his cheerio puffs. If you remember from the last post, he didn't like them very much at first but I kept giving them to him every single day and he has finally decided that he loves them!  Woohoo!  Mommy prevails.

Ethan started making this really weird squeaky noise one night.  It sounded like he was grinding his teeth which was odd to Jake and me because we thought that his upper teeth were still, you know, in his gum.  Uhh...  NOT so.  That night, we felt one tooth (on his left) that has already poked through but then we found two other teeth poking out when we took a picture of his mouth with our camera.  The pictures were a little freaky.  Kind of like a horror movie but I'll post them next time.

Anyway, we are having lots and lots of fun with this chubby baby and I wish that he would slow down on the growing.  Maybe it will work if I tell him every single day just like the cheerio puffs.