Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Beginning

After Ethan was born I often find myself pondering the question "Why did I decide to become a mom?"  Not in the oh-my-gosh-being-a-mom-is-so-horrible-what-was-I-thinking kind of way, but I wanted to examine my intentions.  Somehow I feel it very important that I bring this little spirit into the world with my heart in the right place.  

A while back, I read a blog post from one of my friends in Palo Alto.  She wrote that she felt she was done seeing this world on her own and that it was time she showed someone else the world.  The way she put it was so beautiful I wish I could say the same for myself but it was a little different.  I wanted immensely to love someone unconditionally.  I had a burning desire to protect, to teach, and to nurture someone.  So I knew it was time.  Just like my mother has loved and sacrificed for me, it was time for me to do the same for someone else.  Perhaps it was a little selfish because I was thinking mostly of myself and what I wanted but fear not for I have been making up in the selfless department after his birth.  And on top of everything else, inviting a baby into our little family just felt right.  

And that's how it began.  The good news is that there will be no end.  Isn't it amazing?  To think that I have started something with no end.  He will forever be my son and I will forever be his mother.


  1. Those are profound reasons. Thank you for sharing!

  2. 想問好耐, 請問你用哪部相機呢? 影D相好靚呀!! Plz reply

    1. Thank you, Tiffany! I have a Nikon D7000.

  3. Such nice things you have written; so thoughtful and true.....and he is SUPER cute in these pictures!
