Sunday, May 20, 2012

Favorite Quote

Some of you might have read this quote before but I'd like to share it on my blog today because it has been on my mind lately:

I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails.
I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp.
I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children.
I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden.
I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder.
I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived.

-Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Being a mom was a choice I made.  I worked hard to have my baby.  We only get to live our lives once and I want to live it doing what I love most.  I know lots of people thought that I was crazy to get married when I was so young but I once heard a professor counsel his students to find their dreams early in life because the earlier you find your dream the sooner you will get there.  I knew what my dream was; I just needed to start living it.  And so I did.  We made lots of sacrifices to start a family while we are both so young.  Jake doesn't drive a BMW and I don't carry a Louis Vuitton, but what we have in our arms is so much more.  I'm living my dream and I wouldn't exchange it for anything this world has to offer me.


  1. My love,從小學相識我便知道那是你的夢想. I'm very proud to see you come this far and I know this is just the beginning of a wonderful story of your life :) I'm always here for you x

    1. Thank you Renee. You're so sweet. I miss you.

  2. You are wise beyond your years. We love you for that AND for being a wonderful mom!

  3. this post is absolutely precious! and i love the lesson that your professor taught you to not wait and chase your dreams!
    and your little boy is more than precious!!!!
    xo TJ

    1. Dear TJ,

      You have no idea how much your comment means to me. This is the first comment from a reader I don't personally know. Ethan and I danced around the room because of you. Thank you for stopping by, beautiful!

