Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm Going to be Sick...

Because I'm going to give a talk in church tomorrow.  Why would the bishopric think that I have anything valuable to say on the topic of pioneers?  I do not know.  I'm so nervous I swear I am going to throw up all over the podium.  But then again, I got an A in public speaking when I was in college.  How did that happen?  I know not.  I just remember that my professor was quite fond of me.  Anyway, there is nothing much I'd like to say about my day.  All I have been doing is preparing for my talk.  Oh, but here are two pictures from my phone...

I found this new magnet arrangement on the dishwasher when I came downstairs in the morning.
Apparently the hubby did it after he washed the dishes the night before.

Need I say more?
I think he thinks that I think he looks cool.
And I suspect that he's going to be quite the heartbreaker when he turns three.
Heaven help me.

1 comment:

  1. Claire, hopefully you remember me from Econ. I just discovered your blog via FB and it's so nice to hear of the adventures of your cute family! Also wanted you to know that the other day I came across a completely sweet card that you had written me ~ 4 years ago in Econ 388. I was having a horrible week with my econ 388 project, and you sweetly sent me such a kind note of encouragement, with lotions. I will never forget you thoughtfulness--still touches my heart! -Megan Nelson
