Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Love Note

Everyone needs a friend named Erica.  Let me tell you why.

A few nights ago, I was feeling extra lonely.  One of my least favorite things about moving to another state every other year is that I don't get to keep my friends.  Just as I get to know people a little better, I have to move away.  It's all very lamentable.  So I was whining to Jake about how I don't have any girl friends to hang out with here in Arizona and that my hormones are all going out of balance.  In my agony I yelled out, "I miss Erica!  I want her back in my life!"  Being the man that he is, Jake immediately offered solutions to sove my problem.  He suggested that I give her a call and reassured me that I wouldn't be friend level jumping by calling her to chat.  I was really tempted to, but thought better of it because really, who wants to be bored with details from my boring life?  More than anything, I would hate for Erica to think that I was a weirdo and then bump me down a level on her friend list since I think the world of her.

Now let me tell you about Erica.  She is one of the coolest girls I have ever met in my life.  She is smart, funny, unpretentious, sincere, straightforward, kind, and loving.  The best thing about her is that she doesn't, truly doesn't, care about where I'm from.  I just know that she won't judge me if I say furnitures instead of furniture, or two dozens cookies instead of two dozen cookies.  The minute I met her I saw the word awesome written all over her.  She is one of the very few girls who loves raw fish as much as I do.  I love that girl and we had so much fun together.  But just like many other friends I have made during our school years, Erica and her husband had to move away for medical school.

Fast forward a year and I'm yelling in my house that I miss Erica.  Not more than a couple days later, I got an email from her and it was one of the sweetest emails I've ever gotten.  She said that she misses me and thinks that I am cool too!  CRAAAAAZY!  I suggest that you send an email to a person that you like because unknown to you, they might like you back just as much :)


  1. This totally made me cry. :) I loved getting your email back by the way but have been a little morning sick and haven't been able to respond yet! Love you!!

    1. Good--I'm glad that it made you cry. Now we're even :)
