Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Date with the Bride

Two more days until my sissy is going to be married!  The bride and I went out today while my mom watched Ethan.  I might have called home half a dozen times to check on E during the three hours we were out, but it was so fun to spend some alone time with Leah.  We got our nails done, shopped for makeup for the wedding day, and went a little crazy over Victoria Secret's semi-annual sale.  After E went to bed, we played makeup like when we were little.  Life is so much fun when you have people you love to spend it with.  I'm praying that everything will be smooth and beautiful on Leah's wedding day because she deserves nothing less than perfect.

Someone told me that french manicure is out of style but I couldn't help it.
I love the way it looks, and in my opinion, it's classic and perfect for a wedding.

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