Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Leftover Grocery Money Project

I'm going to keep it short tonight because it has been decided that it's chick-flick night.  The above picture was taken by the hubby when we went grocery shopping this weekend.  I wanted to share it on the blog so I thought I might as well share some of my thoughts on buying groceries as well.

My dad has always taught me that there are two parts in being financially successful in a family.  In our family, the first part rests solely on the husband's shoulder and that is to have a good income, which includes, first of all, investing in a good education that will enable you to find a good job in the future to provide for the family.  I think it's obvious that Jake has been doing an excellent job at that.  The second part is to spend that money wisely, and that is mainly my responsibility.

I personally don't think it the best strategy to go all Great Value if you know what I mean.  There is a certain amount of truth in the saying "you get what you pay for".  Sure you pay the least out of pocket by buying the cheapest things but sometimes with just a tiny bit of increase in price you get a substantial increase in quality and that's my goal: to increase our standard of living by spending the same amount of money.

Anyway, I know I'm talking nonsense but I've been learning lots of different ways to save us money on  our grocery bill and it has actually been really fun!  I've been able to save us more and more money from groceries and have decided to use the leftover money in our budget for little projects each month to improve our "standard of living", if you will.

This month, I am going to expand and restock our first aid kit.  My grandmother was staying with my parents a while ago.  She fell in the bathroom and got hurt pretty bad.  They ended up having to call an ambulance.  After that horrifying experience, my mom asked me if I have a well-stocked first aid kit.  I'm ashamed to admit that our first aid kit is pretty pathetic.  Its main occupancy is Mr. and Mrs. Bandaids and their various-sized children.  With a busy one-year-old in the house I feel it's time to upgrade it.  Here is a link to Red Cross with a list of recommended supplies that I find useful.

That was real short, wasn't it?  Gotta go now, talk tomorrow!

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