Monday, April 16, 2012

Ethan Meets Laundry Basket

Dearest Ethan,

Your daddy started going to work full-time last week which means it's just the two of us all day long.  I was a little worried in the beginning not knowing what it would be like.  I imagined your daddy coming home at the end of the day to a crying you and an insane me.  How silly of me to have thought that?  We have lots of fun at home when it's just you and me.  Sure there are days when I don't get anything done except for being your mommy but that's okay.  I don't mind.

Mommy is starting to teach you how to kiss and you get it.  When I hold you in my arms, you sometimes turn your little head and give me a lion kiss (a kiss with an opened mouth) right on my cheek.  It's very sweet and it makes me really really really happy.  I love you so much sweetheart.  Thank you for making my life meaningful.

Love always,


  1. You're killing me with this adorable child! I'm becoming a blog stalker just so I can look at his sweet face. PS I think you need a new blog title. You're so much more than a Stanford Wife :)

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Oh actually that's an orange. Sorry it's still early in the morning for me.

    3. @ Shannon I didn't intend to kill anyone by blogging ;) But I will for sure continue to take pictures of his chubby face so that you can get your daily dosage of baby cuteness. And just for the record, we don't mind having a blog stalker like you :)
