Sunday, December 9, 2012

Life is Good

Life can be so good sometimes.  It's so good that I would feel like an ungrateful cow if I didn't record it.  You know those times when you think to yourself I want to remember everything about this moment forever?  Well, I feel like my days are packed full of those special moments lately and I'm really really really hoping that I will remember at least some of them forever.  Like they way Ethan's face lit up when Jake threw him in the air at the Christmas tree lot, and when he copied me and tried to smell the Christmas tree with his nose all scrunched up.  I know that Thanksgiving is long gone but I've been feeling so grateful lately.  I'm so grateful for my healthy body that has allowed me to create and to deliver a healthy and beautiful baby.  It has also allowed me to take care of said baby and to experience all the wonderful things in this world.  I'm grateful for my husband who wakes up every morning at the crack of dawn to go to work and not just that but to work hard to support the mini and me.  And I'm grateful for my baby who fills my life with joy and purpose.  Life is good.  It's sometimes hard for me to be still and to examine all the wonderful things in my life, but when I do I'm always amazed at all the blessings I've been given.

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