Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Tree Lot

My heart was filled with sadness all weekend long after the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.  I ache for the parents of the children at Sandy Hook elementary.  I cannot imagine the pain of the parents who won't get to see their children grow up, and also those who will have to face the challenge of helping their kids grow up with such a horrifying experience in their past.  At moments like this, when I'm again reminded how fragile life is, I force myself to stop and to re-focus on what really matters in life.  My family is what matters to me.  When I look at these pictures of Ethan, I see some good in the world.  I hope that you, whoever you are who is reading my blog today, will have a wonderful Christmas and be able to feel Christ's love and to see the good in this world.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome picture. I almost forgot you are in AZ, because it was snowing crazy when we went and picked a tree. HEE!!
